ACT-SO Rules and Regulations
ACT-SO Local Competition Guidelines
Eligibility of each contestant
Be of African decent
​Be enrolled in grades 9-12
Be a citizen or a legal resident of the United States
Be an amateur (having not received wages for professional services) in any category of competition
A contestant may enter up to three (3) categories.
Each contestant must submit one project per category.
ACT-SO National Competition Guidelines
NOTE: Each local ACT-SO program may only submit one entry per category at the National Competition.
Each contestant is responsible for the transportation and storage of their projects (all projects should be easily transportable.)
Each contestant must conform to the space requirements as dictated by each category.
All National contestants must submit to their local NAACP ACT-SO the following items:
A typed national application
A 1 or 2 page autobiography
A parent's consent form
A medical release form
A media release form
A photograph with name of the contestant and branch printed on the back (no larger than 5"x7")
A verification form for science categories
ACT-SO participants may want to consider applying for a patent or copyright to protect their work (i.e. science, humanities).
You may contact the Office of Public Affairs, U.S. Patent Office, at:
(800) 786-9199 for Patent information or the Library of Congress at (202) 707-3000 for copyright information.